XVI32 最特殊的應(yīng)該是它的腳本功能,使用者只需要定義好所要操作的方式,那么 XVI32 就可以依照此需求直接對檔案進行處理,大量節(jié)省使用者的時間。而且, XVI32 還是一款綠色軟件,也就是說使用者只需要下載回去后解壓縮就可以使用,完全不會因為使用它而在你的系統(tǒng)機碼中寫入任何內(nèi)容喔。
This example shows how to insert the string abc 100 times.
XVI32: Find or Count Strings
This dialog is used for find/count occurences of text or hex strings. In the above example, the "Text -> Hex" button was used to convert the text "Borland" into the corresponding hex string "42 6F 72 6C 61 6E 64".
XVI32 is a portable application, i.e. no setup program is needed
Data Inspector to show permanently decoding of numbers
Built-in XVI32script interpreter allows to automate editing or share patches. More...
Computing of CRC16 (standard) and CRC32 (PKZIP compatible) checksums for complete file and selected block (only if block is currently selected)
Easily works with huge files. Try to open a 60 MB sized text file with some other hex editors (not to speak about Wordpad), then use XVI32...
XVI32 allows to edit files up to 2 GB (enough virtual memory provided, of course)
For your convenience, XVI32 stores settings and last used search strings etc. in XVI32.INI file
Progress indication in percent for most operations
You can abort nearly all operations (reading/writing files, search, replace, print...)
Display of both text (ASCII/ANSI) and hexadecimal representation
Two synchronous cursors in text and hex area
Wheel mouse support
Fully resizeable window (change number of rows and columns)
Font and font size adjustable
Overwrite or insert characters
Insert text or hex string n times
Switch byte offset (address) of first byte between 0 or 1 to examine also record structure of plain text files
Search text or hex string, e.g. find "this text" or find "0D 0A"
Search optionally with joker (wildcard) char that will match any character, e.g. find "A.C" or "00 2E 2E 00" where "." = "2E" (user-defined) stands for any character
Fast searching algorithm (Quicksearch) for both search directions (down/up)
Count occurences of text or hex string
Replace text or hex string, e.g. replace "0D 0A" by "0A" or replace "0D 0A" by text "EOL"
Simplified search for Unicode Latin (UTF-16) strings
Extremely fast "replace all" mode (if needed, additional memory is allocated beforehead, not at every single replacing operation)
Auto-fill feature to copy bytes from current address into input field for hex string using right arrow key
Character conversion using self-defined character table
Easy converting of text to hex string in dialogs (e.g. "abc" -> "61 62 63")
Decoding and encoding of 1, 2, 4, and 8 byte integers and floats in 2 possible byte orders (optionally shown permanently by Data Inspector)
Bit manipulation (view or set bits)
Open file in Read Only mode (e.g. if opened by another application or to avoid unintentional modifications)
Write block to file
Copy, move or delete block
Clipboard support
Goto address (absolute or relative up/down)
Enter jump width and jump up/down (useful for files with fixed record length)
Patch BORLAND PASCAL 7.0 EXE files for execution on processors > 200 MHz
Shredder data (overwrite all bytes with binary zeroes)
Printing with preview or print to file
Easily access most recently used files
No setup programm needed, doesn't write any data to registry
And last, but not least: XVI32 is free!
- PC官方版
- 安卓官方手機版
- IOS官方手機版